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    Style Yourself Like A Pro!  Digital Workbook

    Style Yourself Like A Pro! Digital Workbook

    This workbook is designed to help you create your look by developing your image and style.

    So, if you answer YES to the questions below, guess what girl, you’re in the right place...
    • Do your clothes and style make you feel stuck in a rut?
    • Do you heave a huge sigh every time you have to
    get dressed?
    • Do you long to have that ‘put together’ look that others
    seem to achieve?
    • Do you want to feel more confident in outfits that
    enhance your own unique style?

    Simply work through this workbook at your own speed and learn how to develop the style you want.

    IMPORTANT: This is NOT a physical product. The workbook will be delivered electronically. Please refer to our T&Cs for more information.

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